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St. Margaret of Scotland accepts online donations through the WeShare payment gateway. You can pay via credit card, debit card, Google Pay, and ACH Bank Account withdrawals.

There are two routes for making your online donation via WeShare – and that depends on whether you’re new to donating to SMOS online (or want to make a one-time donation) OR whether you’re looking to adjust or update your recurring donation you’ve previously made.

Make A New Donation

If you’re new to making a weekly offering to St. Margaret’s online or if you’re looking to make a separate one-time donation – follow these easy steps below:

Adjust A Recurring Donation

If you’ve already contributed to the general collection with a weekly offering that is recurring, and you’d like to make an adjustment to the amount, schedule, or payment details – follow these steps:

As always, we thank you for your generosity.

There are other ways to donate to St. Margaret of Scotland besides online giving as well. To see a list of options, check out the Give Now section on this website.

If you have any issues or need help making any donation to St. Margaret of Scotland, please contact the Rectory Office at (314) 776-0363 or

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