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SMOS Turkey Bowl 2024

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SMOS Turkey Bowl 2024


Thursday, November 28, 2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Categories:
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SMOS Annual Thanksgiving Day Soccer Game!

For more than 40 years, the 8th-graders play a game against their parents after the 9 am Thanksgiving Mass. Please help us continue the tradition and join us for this year’s game!

All 8th-grade students and parents are invited to participate along with recent graduates of SMOS. The game usually lasts about an hour and will allow you to get back home before your Thanksgiving meal.

Balls and equipment for the game will be provided. Please feel free to bring a morning snack, coffee, or your favorite beverage to keep you warm during the game.

The game will start at 10:30am and be played in Tower Grove Park at the corner of Lawrence and Magnolia. Please bring your family and join us for the fun, even if just to watch and cheer!