7 events found.
Youth Ministry Formation Night
Church Hall St. Margaret of Scotland Church Basement, 3864 Flad Ave., Saint LouisSMOS Pick-up Basketball
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USASMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USASMOS Athletic Association Meeting
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
All Day
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USASMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA3rd Grade Girl Scout Troop Mtg.
Church Hall St. Margaret of Scotland Church Basement, 3864 Flad Ave., Saint LouisGirl Scout Troop 505
Church Hall St. Margaret of Scotland Church Basement, 3864 Flad Ave., Saint LouisSMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
All Day
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
St. Margaret of Scotland School, 3964 Castleman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USAWeek of Events
7th gr. parent breakfast
PTA Pizza Day
CYC Volleyball Games
Respect Life Mtg.
Youth Ministry Formation Night
SMOS Pick-up Basketball
SMOS Pick-up Basketball
Current SMOS parishioners and parents/guardians of current SMOS school children are welcome to come play pick-up basketball.
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
SMOS Athletic Association Meeting
SMOS Athletic Association Meeting
We will meet in the resource room between the gym and cafeteria. Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ncm-kcdz-smj Or dial: (US) +1 856-441-2150 PIN: 981996396# Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
PTA Mtg.
“Back To School” PTA Meeting
Youth Ministry Mtg.
Kdg. – 8th grade Mass
School Mass
Centering Prayer
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
3rd Grade Girl Scout Troop Mtg.
Finance Comm. Mtg.
Choir Rehearsal
Eucharistic Adoration
Girl Scout Troop 505
SMOS CYC Volleyball Practice
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Pack Meeting for September
Young Adults & Professionals Bible Study
Troop 110 – Halloween Costume collection drive
Troop 110 – Halloween Costume collection drive
Troop 110 will be collecting Halloween costumes to help those children in foster care.