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SMOS Trivia Night 2025

Sponsored By The SMOS PTA

Saturday, February 1 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
St. Margaret of Scotland School – 3964 Castleman Ave, Saint Louis, 63110, United States

Location: School Gym

Facebook Event

For this 125th Anniversary year of St. Margaret of Scotland, we salute St. Louis history in all of its iterations – with a Trivia Night devoted to ALL THINGS ST. LOUIS!  And what could be more “St. Louis” than a Trivia Night!?!

So, mark your calendars for this annual event.  Click the link below to get tickets – and start putting together your teams, your costumes, your food, and your table decorations – as usual, there will be winners chosen for all of these categories!

Get ready for a night of fun celebrating the City of St. Louis!  Each trivia category will be related in some way (sometimes broadly interpreted) to St. Louis.  And teams are free to go in any direction with the St. Louis theme for your costumes, food, and decor – if it relates in some way to St. Louis, then it’s perfect! We’ll be raising funds for the SMOS Mandeville Multicultural Scholarship – so join us for this annual festivity and support this important cause.

Tables are available for $200 and include the entry fee for a group of eight to Trivia Night, or you can buy single tickets and we’ll put you in a group. Don’t forget to purchase your mulligans as well. This event is BYOB – so kindly bring your own food and drinks. We’re also looking for round sponsors if you’re interested in a further donation!

$25 – individual ticket OR $200 – table of 8
$25 – Mulligans (set of 8)
$100 – Round Sponsor


Unlike the past couple of years, this WILL NOT be a cashless affair this year. You’ll need cash for some of the games, and we will be accepting credit cards for the bigger purchases. Have your phone at the ready – we will be using WeShare payments for these items (via QR code).


Playing trivia not your thing, but you still like to see fellow parents make fools of themselves in ridiculous costumes??  (This must be what it’s like to be a production assistant on “Let’s Make A Deal”!)   Then join in the fun by volunteering at Trivia Night on February 1!  We need plenty of help with check-in, set-up, cleanup, scoring/judging, raffles, and games!  Click the link below and grab a slot to help out!


Trivia Night FAQ’s
Do I need a group?

No, you definitely don’t need your own group to play or have fun! You’re welcome to put your own group/table together. But if you wish to buy singles tickets, we’ll be happy to help you find a group to join!

What are mulligans?

Besides being a school family (hi, Ian and Lisa!?!), mulligans allow your team to get a “freebie” on any one question in a given round. You don’t have to purchase them, but they definitely come in handy. They are sold in a set of 8 for $25. That doesn’t cover all of the rounds, but you might luck out and get a mulligan included as one of the prizes of some of our other games as well.

When does the trivia game start?

Doors open at 6:00 p.m., trivia starts promptly at 7:00 p.m.

What about booze?

The event is largely BYOB. That includes food and drink. There will be a limited quantity of Anheuser-Busch products and Gus Pretzels provided for each table.

Are there options for food & drink?

As we mentioned above, food is BYOB. But we have set up a package deal with Wild Olive Provisions, so you can stop in there and pick up the Trivia Night package of food and wine. They will be offering grab-and-go wine and charcuterie packages at a special price for our trivia teams! You can pre-order on their website starting Saturday, January 25.

Do people dress up?

Yes, usually tables pick a theme and then the group dresses up in costumes matching that theme – or individuals may dress up in costumes matching the theme of the night. It is not mandatory, but most do so in some capacity.

Are there contests for costume, table, food, drink, etc.?

Yes, prizes will be awarded for Best Costumes, Best Table Decor, Best Food, and Best Cocktail. You and your group do not need to enter any of these contests, but are welcome and encouraged to participate as much as you like. Food will be gathered on trays to present to the judges. The cocktail contest will work the same as the food contest has in past years.  If you wish to enter the contest, Nerida Wilbraham and Scot Martin, the owners of Wild Olive, will be judging the contest, so be sure to have enough to make at least two drinks for the judges (and more to share, if you wish!).  There will be a chance during the night to present your drink for judging.  There is no fee to enter.  The winning cocktail will be featured on their menu! Each of the contests will be judged for originality, adherence to the theme, and overall appeal.

Are there other games besides trivia?

Yes, we will have a number of other games and opportunities to raise some funding for our cause. We’ll play 50/50, dead or alive, have a liquor pull and a wine pull, as well as options for “jail”!

How do I pay for the additional games?

This year is NOT cashless, so be sure to bring some money with you to play the games. Several of the games only cost $1 to play, and with the fees involved, it just doesn’t make sense to run a card for those (this is a fundraiser, after all!). For games or purchases that are higher in dollar value (figure anything $20 or higher), you will have the ability to pay via WeShare using your credit or debit card. Also, help us out by showing up with smaller bills – we will have a limited cash box on hand, but breaking $100’s is not going to be very easy – so be sure to not show up directly from the ATM with only $20’s!!

I hate playing trivia, can I volunteer instead?

There’s always room to volunteer. See the signup sheet above or contact the PTA to find out more.

Are there prizes?

Yes, prizes will be awarded for all of the contests and for the winning table of Trivia Night. Plus, we have a couple other “door prizes” in store for some lucky individuals.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the PTA at or call or text to ‭(314) 530-8740‬. This year’s Trivia Night is being run by parents from the 4th and 5th Grade classes.

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