Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

Men’s Lent Night 2025

Sponsored By Men’s Fellowship

Sunday, March 23 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church – 3864 Flad Ave, Saint Louis, United States

LOCATION: Parish Hall (Church Basement)

Facebook Event

Join us for an evening of faith and fellowship at Men’s Lent Night. Start with optional Adoration in the SVDP Chapel from 4:15-4:45 pm. At 5:00 pm, we’ll gather in the Church Hall for speakers, reflection, and discussion led by the men of our parish. Afterward, we’ll head to the school blacktop for food and conversation. We’ll provide the main dish, and ask attendees to bring a side dish. Registration is free, with an optional donation to cover event costs. Please bring a beverage, extra drinks if you’d like, a side dish, and a lawn chair. All are welcome! 


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