The Parish Call To Be A Good Steward
The weekend of September 24 & 25 is Stewardship Weekend and at Mass, the Parish presented its annual financial report. The 2022 Stewardship Report is being distributed differently this year – instead of handing out the report to everyone at Mass, copies were mailed to all parishioners ahead of time. Hopefully everyone received them and had a chance to look through the information. We are providing a copy here on the website for those who might have missed it.
2022 St. Margaret of Scotland Stewardship Report
In the Stewardship Weekend readings, we were called to care about others – to leave our comfort zones and make caring for those in distress a priority. We are called to be good stewards of our parish and community. As Fr. John so aptly stated in his homily, “It’s not acceptable to do nothing.”
We are especially grateful to everyone in the parish for their continued generosity of time, talent, and treasure. The future success of our parish relies on all families to remain mindful of their ability to be generous with their gifts.