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Back To School Sunday & Blessing Of The Backpacks 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Church – 3864 Flad Ave., Saint Louis, 63110, United States

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We will celebrate “Back to School Sunday” on August 13.  All students, especially our St. Margaret of Scotland School children, and their families are invited to 10:00am Mass with their school backpacks for the annual Blessing of the Backpacks in anticipation of the new school year. 

We will also see the return of the Children’s Liturgy that Sunday as well, after its Summer hiatus.

The Back To School Open House will follow over on the school campus starting at 11:00am, so that our students and parents can drop off supplies, see their classrooms, and start to get into school rhythm. All parishioners are welcome to visit the School as well – to see our fine school buildings. The Open House ends at 1:00pm.

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