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RCIA Meet & Greet

Sunday, September 3, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Church Hall – St. Margaret of Scotland Church Basement, 3864 Flad Ave., Saint Louis, 63110, United States

If you are interested in learning about RCIA at St. Margaret’s, come visit Ruth Pera and the RCIA team for a casual Meet & Greet following the 10 AM Mass over Labor Day weekend.  RCIA is the process by which most adults join the Catholic faith, or receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Whether you are discerning receiving Sacraments now or in the future, or just want to learn more about what this community is like at SMOS, stop by and say hello!  We’d love to meet you and tell you more.

Questions – contact the Faith Formation Office at or call 314-776-0363 ext. 1002.

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