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Stewardship Ministry Fairs 2023

Grateful & Generous: St. Margaret of Scotland parish invites you to become part of our thriving ministries. We are hosting three Ministry Fairs for our Stewardship season in the month of October after all Masses in the Church Hall.

Please take some time immediately following Mass to come downstairs to learn about our parish ministries, organizations, and groups and consider being more involved in the good works of St. Margaret of Scotland.  Meet active Ministry leaders and volunteers, enjoy refreshments, pick up swag at each Ministry table, and enter the raffle to win a door prize!

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

Our Ministries will have information to share and involved parishioners will be available to chat or help you to be involved.  There will be wine and cheese after the Saturday Mass, and coffee and donuts after the Sunday Masses; in addition, many organizations will have candy, treats, or other sweets and savories.  All who come to the Ministry Fair will be registered for a raffle and can win a free dinner at the Feast on Flad on November 11.  Come each of the three weekends to learn about our parish and to strengthen our community!

Here is the lineup:

October 7-8 – Liturgical Ministries

Choir, Musicians, Lectors, Communion Ministers, Hospitality, Greeters, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Altar Guild, Adoration, Baptism Preparation, Marriage Preparation, RCIA

October 14-15 – Justice and Service Ministries

Living Justice Ministries (Racial Equity, Care of Creation, Immigration, Gun Sense, Pride of St. Margaret), Respect Life, St. Vincent de Paul Society, South City Immigrant & Refugee Ministry

October 21-22 – Parish Ministries and Organizations

Young Professionals, Ladies Auxiliary, PTA, Coffee & Donuts, Athletic Association, Scouts, Youth Ministry, One Classroom

For inquiries related to the fair, please contact

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