Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

“Grateful & Generous” – Have You Made Your Parish Commitment?

This weekend is the deadline to return your completed Commitment Card for our ‘Grateful & Generous’ increased offertory program.  Thank you to those parishioners who have already done so – All cards need to be returned to the parish by Sunday, November 12.

We are currently sitting just under 40% participation which is quite far from our goal of full 100% participation. Please take the time to complete your commitment TODAY!  You can drop off your card, mail it, fill one out in the pew, or complete it online by visiting the parish website.  But every parishioner is part of this community, and we need the support of each and every person to get closer to reaching our goals and increasing our donations to meet the financial demands of the parish.

So, procrastinators unite!  Get those cards turned in – wait no longer and do your part NOW!  We are grateful for your support!


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