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Church Hall Flood – All Basement Activities Cancelled

The torrential rains this week unfortunately caused a major flood in the Church Hall – which is requiring a massive cleanup effort to address the damage and take care of the issues caused by the water.  The cleanup and repair work will be ongoing through this weekend and into next week.

Therefore, all Church activities planned in the basement through this weekend will be cancelled.  Primarily, this means there will be NO CHILDREN’S LITURGY and NO COFFEE & DONUT FELLOWSHIP this weekend (Sunday, July 21).

It also means that the restrooms in the basement will not be accessible at all Masses this weekend.  Anyone needing to use the restroom while visiting Church this weekend will need to use the singular gender-neutral restroom that is available back in the Sacristy (up near the altar), accessed by walking through the doorway at the back left of Church.

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