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South City PSR Registration 2024-2025

St. Margaret of Scotland coordinates its PSR Program with other South St. Louis Parishes. The South City Deanery Parish School of Religion (SCDPSR) provides formal Catholic religious education (Grade 1 to Confirmation Prep) for the children in parishes of the South City who are not enrolled in the parish school.  Sessions are on Monday evenings, September through May from 6:20-7:40PM.

Registration for 2024-2025 South City PSR year will be held in the Parish Center on the St. John the Baptist campus (4170 Delor St.) on:


A copy of your child’s Baptism Record and the $35 non-refundable registration fee are due at the time of registration.

First Reconciliation & First Communion is usually done as part of the 2nd grade curriculum.  We also have preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion for students grades 3-8.   Students must be in the PSR program for two years in order to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion.

Confirmation is usually done in the 7th grade and above. Students must be in the PSR program for two years (Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation classes) before being confirmed.

South City Parish School of Religion is housed on the St. John the Baptist campus at the corner of Newport and Delor.

Adult Volunteers Needed – Pass On the Good News!

What good news? The Good News of Jesus and our Catholic Faith. This Fall, children throughout the South City, First Grade (Pre-Sacramental Prep) through Confirmation will sign-up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic Faith. You can help them grow by becoming a catechist or substitute catechist. South City PSR meets Monday Evening from September through May on the campus of St. John the Baptist Parish. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well. One longtime catechist commented: “I learn so much from the children” and another, “I get more out of it than I put in.”
Training, materials and support will be provided.

For more information on the program or registration, or to volunteer, please contact Deacon George Watson at or 314-773-3070.

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