Going Paperless With Online Giving

A reminder about the new policy being adopted by the Parish Office in regards to giving envelopes:

If you opt to give online for the General Collection on a recurring basis, we will remove the paper envelope delivery for your account.  You will no longer receive envelopes for your contributions.

Remember – you can still log onto WeShare anytime to donate to any of the additional Church causes (like, SVdP or For Kids Sake – Education Ministry) or the Special Collections..  We will also post the Special Collections in the bulletin as a reminder to donate online when the time comes.

If you do wish to continue receiving paper envelopes even while giving online or have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at parishoffice@stmargaretstl.org or 314-776-0363. To set up or make changes to your online giving, go to stmargaretstl.org/donate.

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