Sunday, September 22, 2024, is Stewardship Awareness Sunday at St. Margaret of Scotland and across the Archdiocese of St. Louis. On Stewardship Sunday, we reflect on and commit to being more grateful and generous – grateful for all God’s gifts to us and generous in sharing those gifts with others.
A Stewardship Fair will follow all the Masses this weekend in the Church Hall. Plan to come to share food and drink and fellowship with your parish family; learn more about our parish organizations and ministries; and have the opportunity to sign up for Flocknotes and online giving.
Nametag Sundays continue this month! When you come to Mass this weekend, please wear a nametag and get to know some of your fellow parishioners!
Every parish family was mailed a copy a copy of our Annual Stewardship Report earlier this month. Additional copies are available at the Church doors, and a digital copy of attached below. Next weekend, a member of the Finance Council will present the annual parish financial report at the beginning of Mass. Stewardship season is a fine time to review and adjust your financial giving to the parish. Thanks for your generosity to St. Margaret of Scotland Parish! Let us pray to be more grateful and generous stewards!