Sponsored by the Respect Life Committee
Please join our parish in raising money for Our Lady’s Inn, a maternity home for pregnant women and their children who are facing a crisis and have no place to stay. Your donation will help these heroic moms receive perinatal support and education, as well as achieve their parenting, educational, employment and housing goals. Our Lady’s Inn continues to work with these women for up to two years after the birth of their baby.
Bottles will be passed out next weekend (Oct 12/13) at all Masses. Please take yours home, fill it with coins, dollars, or checks and return it the weekend of Oct 19/20. You can also donate at any time via the link below. Be sure to indicate St. Margaret of Scotland in the organization line. Donations of $100 or more are eligible for a 70% Missouri Tax Credit, meaning your donation of $100 will directly decrease your Missouri tax liability by $70. This allows you to provide $100 to Our Lady’s Inn at an out-of-pocket cost of just $30. Thank you for your generosity!