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A New Week – October 1, 2023

Today is Commitment Sunday during our Stewardship Season at St. Margaret of Scotland. This past week, all our households have received information in the mail about our Increased Offertory Program, and I hope that many of you will respond with a renewed pledge of more financial generosity. If you forgot to bring your commitment card today, you may bring it next week, or you can go online to our parish website and fill out your commitment card there. Once again, I renew my invitation and hope that many of you will donate electronically, by setting up and maintaining an account online through WeShare, available at our parish website. Donating online makes things easier for you, as you don’t have to remember and envelope when you come to Mass, and it makes things easier for the parish, as we receive your donation regularly even if you can’t come to Mass because of travel, sickness, or inclement weather. Thanks to those who donate by giving stocks or distributions from 401(k) or other accounts; consider this if is a good option for you. Please remember the parish by making a special donation at the end of the calendar year (December 31), the end of the fiscal year (June 30), or when your tax refund comes, or when you receive a bonus. Consider giving to the St. Margaret of Scotland Endowment Fund or remembering the parish in your will or trust, which will assist the parish well into the future. God has given us money, not to keep only for ourselves, but to help others. Continue to give thanks for the money that God has given to you, and pray that you be more grateful and generous.  

As we continue our Stewardship season, I encourage everyone to make and wear a nametag at Mass during the next few weeks. Introduce yourself to someone else during these days, and try to remember a few folks names from week to week. If we are Christians, then we must love one another, and we can’t love one another unless we know one another!  Also, next weekend, and for the next three weekends, you are invited to the Church Hall after each Mass for our Ministry Fairs, highlighting the many ministries and organizations of the parish. Next weekend, we will be showcasing all our liturgical ministries, and inviting parishioners to consider sharing their time and talent as a Lector or Communion Minister, a Hospitality Ministry, Choir member or Musician, Sacristan, or assisting with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, the Altar Guild, Adoration on Thursdays, or being a sponsor couple for Baptism Preparation or Marriage Preparation, or working with those wanting to be Catholic through the RCIA. There will be food and drink, wonderful fellowship, and an opportunity to win a free meal at the Feast on Flad, coming up on November 11. 

Our parishioners have been generous once again to the Annual Catholic Appeal, which recently concluded. Thanks to all who donated to the ACA and helped St. Margaret of Scotland reach our goal and come close to our challenge goal. Our parishioners pledged $60,504, surpassing our goal of $33,840. Though we reached our financial goal, we slipped a bit in participation. We slipped from 23% of parishioners participating to 19%. I hope that in years to come, more parishioners will recognize the good that the ACA does for our parishes and schools, the poor and those in need, and so many important ministries in our Archdiocese and join in prayerfully and financially supporting this important work. In the name of all those who are assisted by your donations, thank you! Special thanks to Deborah Elliott and Carmela Garza, who coordinated the ACA for our parish office, and to Ian and Lisa Mulligan, who served as our parishioner Chairs this year.  

Pope Francis’ intention for this month of October is for the Synod. We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit toward the peripheries of the world. We pray to the Lord…  

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