- As we gather for the Labor Day holiday, the unofficial end of summertime, we pray especially for blessings on our work and labor. Jesus learned the value of work from his own family and invites all those who labor and are heavy burdened to come to him for rest and refreshment. Our Catholic Church has always stood up for workers’ rights, labor unions, human rights and human dignity, and Labor Day is an opportune time to pray for these intentions, that all people will have a good job with safe working conditions and a just wage. Mass on Labor Day, Monday, September 4, will be at 8:00am. Please come!
- Speaking of daily Mass, Mass is celebrated at 6:30am Monday through Friday at St. Margaret in our Vincentian Children’s Chapel. There is a dedicated group of about 12-15 daily Massgoers and we pray daily for our parish community. Perhaps you could make daily Mass a part of your schedule, or at least try to come a day or two during the week. If 6:30am is too early or not convenient for you, our neighbors at St. Pius V have daily Mass at 8:00am in the Rectory Chapel, and St. Francis Xavier College Church has daily Mass at 7:15am and 12:00 noon. Is God calling you to more frequent Mass attendance?
- Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00am Sunday Mass is for our school age children (about age 4-5) through 2nd grade. Our children and catechists leave the assembly after the Opening Prayer to go to the Church Hall where they read and reflect on the Scriptures, in an age-appropriate way, before returning for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. What a joy it is to see so many children participate each week! Thanks to Ruth Pera for coordinating CLOW and all the adults who are catechists for our children.
- Coffee and Donuts is always a great time for our community to gather on Sundays after the 8:00am and 10:00am Mass. Thanks to all those who set up and clean up each Sunday! The Advocacy Table is back at Coffee and Donuts; stop by to sign a letter and send your support to our elected officials on a variety of timely issues; I’m grateful to our Living Justice Ministries for helping us be socially aware and active!
- For those who may have a gluten intolerance, low-gluten hosts are available at each Mass. They are kept separate from the other hosts, and the presider always has them. To receive a low-gluten host, please come to my Communion line, and just let me know. And as a reminder, the Blood of Christ is also the full presence of Christ, so receiving from the Cup is also a valid reception of the Eucharist if you cannot receive the host.
- Each month, I like to share Pope Francis’ monthly intention, as a way for us to unite our prayer with the Holy Father and other Catholics around the world. Our Holy Father’s intention for this month of September is for people living on the margins. We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance. We pray to the Lord!
- Be on the lookout for the annual Stewardship Report from the parish, which may have already been delivered to your home in the mail!