- This Sunday, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, was designated the Sunday of the Word of God by Pope Francis in 2019. He said, “It is fitting that the life of our people be constantly marked by a decisive relationship with the living word that the Lord never tires of speaking to his Bride, that she may grow in love and faithful witness. Consequently, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study, and dissemination of the word of God. This Sunday of the Word of God will thus be a fitting part of that time of the year when we are encouraged to strengthen our bonds with the Jewish people and to pray for Christian unity. This is more than a temporal coincidence: the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God has ecumenical value, since the Scriptures point out, for those who listen, the path to authentic and firm unity.”
The Sacred Scriptures are an essential part of our Catholic life, and on this Sunday, I encourage you to renew your appreciation for and love of the Word of God. Do you have a Bible at home? This new year is a perfect opportunity to take it off the shelf and read and meditate on the Scriptures. Many people appreciate and use the “Bible in a Year” podcast or other resources that help them read the Bible every day. Some people read and reflect on the Sunday Scriptures each week before they come to Mass so they are able to get more out of the readings at Mass. Some people have played “Bible Roulette” where they open the Bible, read a passage, and mediate on whatever God may be telling them. Others have favorite books or passages that they return to again and again. Lots of people have a favorite bible verse, or scripture story, or a hero from the Bible; what’s yours? St. Jerome said that “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ,” so on this Sunday of the Word of God, I encourage you to renew your love of Sacred Scripture and so renew your love for Jesus! - The front doors of Church are in the process of being professionally repaired and restored! Our beautiful wood doors are over a century old, and they have taken a beating from weather and use over many years, so now the cracks are being repaired, the wood is being stripped and sealed, and the hardware is getting new luster. This is a project that will take several weeks and depends on good weather, but hopefully by the springtime our front doors will have a new life!
- The school campus has recently had a new keyless entry system installed on all the doors, and an integrated camera security system was installed. This allows us to know who is accessing any building at any time and provided a recording of all activity around the campus. This is part of our ongoing efforts to keep our students and faculty safe and secure.
- These capital improvements are only possible because of your contributions to the parish, as we rely on your generosity to maintain and improve our parish buildings and grounds. Many parishioners made increased offertory pledges last autumn; have you kept your pledge or updated your electronic giving?
- Finally, thanks to all who donated to our St. Vincent de Paul Society during Advent and Christmas for the Christmas Outreach Program. The goal to help our neighbors in need was $25,000 and we surpassed that! This money will be used this year to help our Vincentians provide rent assistance, utility assistance, gas and car repairs, and other needs for those who call on the parish for assistance. Thanks to all who donated, and thanks to our St. Vincent de Paul Society for their works of mercy to those in need.
A New Week – January 21, 2024

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