Third Sunday In Lent

~ For the next three weeks, I would like to consider with you the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, in the hopes that reflecting on these three Lenten practices will help us all on our Lenten journey. First, prayer….
I like to say that there are as many different ways to pray as there are people who pray. So, first off, do you pray? If not, start there! Prayer can take many forms, but it is always communication with the Lord. Some may find the Lord in the quiet presence of the Blessed Sacrament, others may find the Lord in the beauty of nature, others in the presence of family and friends. But the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is the heart of the entire spiritual life for Catholic Christians. It supports everything else. If your commitment to participating in the Sunday Eucharist is at all weak, a resolution to strengthen it belongs at the top of your list. If you are a regular Sunday Mass-goer, what can you do to strengthen your commitment to and appreciation of the Eucharist? How well do you prepare yourself for the Sunday liturgy each week? Do you sing, respond, and really pray? Do you remember to fast for an hour before receiving Holy Communion? Can you read the Scriptures beforehand so that you can listen to them at Mass more attentively? Do you arrive at Church early to prepare your heart, or have you gotten lazy and late? Can you meet with family or talk with your friends about this week’s Scripture readings or last week’s homily?
Daily prayer is also essential for every Christian. Are you committed to daily prayer? What times of day work best for you? Mornings? Evenings? Or do you pray throughout the day, trying to make yourself constantly aware of the Lord’s presence and action in your life? Do you have a special place for prayer? Some people designate a room or a corner of a room for this purpose and furnish it in such a way that invites prayer, including a bible, prayer books, a chair or bench, a candle, perhaps some sacred art or images, incense, or plants. Does your family or household pray together? Mealtimes, special events such as birthdays and anniversaries, are wonderful times for household prayer. A wonderful book from our bishops, Catholic Household Prayers and Blessings, may help your family’s prayer. Are you or your family comfortable with different forms of prayer? Lent is a good time to cherish the old and learn something new: reading a scripture passage slowly and prayerfully, meditative singing or chanting, praying with praise and worship music, the rosary, litanies, Stations of the Cross, praying spontaneously out loud, or sitting in deep, rich silence. What reasonable goals can you set for your personal prayer this Lent?
What about spiritual reading? St. Benedict saw reading as a prayerful activity and required each of his monks to read a book during Lent. How much richer would all of us be if we did that also! Whether you try Scripture, the Church Fathers, biographies of the saints and saintly people, Church teachings or writings of the Popes, writings from contemporary authors, or something else about the spiritual life, reading can deepen your prayer. Visit Catholic Supply or the Daughters of St. Paul Book and Media Center and I know you will find an assortment of good Catholic books to choose and read.
All of these are suggestions to help get you thinking about your prayer life… and that is exactly what all of us should be doing during Lent
Next week: fasting.