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Summer Ministry Article – July 23, 2023

During the Summer months, this column will be highlighting the good work and parishioners involved in one of our various Parish Ministries.  Each week, we will feature an article from a different ministry, written by one if its members, as a reflection on the generosity and stewardship of the SMOS community.

Scouting Reflection

by Cubmaster Matty Kleinberg

I was in Scouting as a Youth all the way up to the middle of Undergrad, when life got a bit too complicated to stay active. I promised myself that I would return to Scouting, perhaps when my kids could experience it. I unburied my Scout uniform in 2017 as my oldest joined the Tiger Den and I’ve been volunteering ever since. I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to do this service as a parishioner at St. Margaret’s, where we have a bustling Cub Scout Pack and a strong Scouts BSA Troop.

There are many reasons to love Scouting. The time spent outdoors, the fun of whittling, campfires, songs and skits, hiking, climbing, collecting badges and patches and pins all makes it super fun. But what Scouting actually provides is more subtle; there are many challenging opportunities to get out of your comfort zone, lessons on how to live simply, and how to speak confidently in front of others. Scouts are challenged to help their neighbors in service projects, to do a Daily Good Deed, to lead and teach others, and to serve their fellow Man with cheerfulness, no matter the task. 

Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting Movement, asserted that “We must change boys from a ‘what can I get’ to a ‘what can I give’ attitude.” That’s just as apt today as it was a century ago.

So while I’ve been fortunate as a Den Leader and Cubmaster to give out plenty of pins and patches and awards to the awesome kiddos in our Pack, what really makes me proud is getting to see all those small moments where I catch a glimpse of the Person that Cub Scout is becoming. I’ve seen Cubs tearfully fighting through losing a Regatta race, but they persist in the race and see it to the finish. I’ve seen our Cubs picking each other up from a “bonk” on the field during Sports days. Many times I’ve seen our Scouts try something new like a climbing wall or exploring a cave or swimming lessons… and not being sure if they can make it, but trying anyway …and that’s just from this Summer!

The way our Cubs tackle these opportunities, with support from Leaders and Parents, promotes growth in their decision making, their actions, and their attitude towards others. This sets them up later for the BSA Scouts Troop when the onus of attitude, service, advancement and progress is squarely on their shoulders.

Our Scouts BSA program at SMOS is flourishing, with a robust group of about 50 rambunctious Cubs in the Pack and 25 Scouts in the Troop. Grade-level Dens meet twice monthly and the Pack meets monthly. The Scout Troop meets weekly, with several monthly adventures. We’re always welcoming new members.

Doing this work takes a decent amount of time and energy from all our volunteers, so please make sure to thank and pray for my fellow Den Leaders, Committee members, Scoutmasters, Scouters, Parent Volunteers and more. They put their actual blood, sweat, and tears into this program, all for the betterment of our Youth. I’d encourage our new families in the Parish to keep us in mind as a way to provide their kids with some fun ways to develop character and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

Thank you!

If you have questions about Scouting at SMOS please feel free to contact: 
Cubmaster Matty Kleinberg (school ages K-5th grade) –
or Scoutmaster Dave Hunter (6th grade and up) –

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