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2025 LJM Immigration Team Lenten Reflection – Week 2

@Kelly Latimore Icons, “The Prodigal Son”

The image is often called the Prodigal Son and it seems I now and then have to look up “prodigal” because for much of my life I thought it was about a “wasteful” or “sinful” son. Because it can mean extremely extravagant, what does that have to do with the son? Well, maybe it’s not really about an extremely extravagant son squandering and wasting the gifts/inheritance his Father (God) gave him.  Maybe we should call it the Prodigal Father– an extremely extravagant God!  Now that is a change in thinking. I am being looked at by a Father (God) who never ceases to look at me with love and never ceases to lavish me with grace, tenderness, forgiveness and compassion. Now that’s an extremely extravagant God! – Pat Dougherty

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