2024 Ministry Schedule – June 29-30

Saturday, 4:30 PMSunday, 8:00 AMSunday, 10:00 AM
GreeterBrian Overberg
Barbara Zysk
David Brake
Cynthia Spence
Boni and Jack Lang
Kathy Petersen
Altar ServerMary Kate Flatley
Marshall Lederle
Meredith Lederle
Madeline Moore
Colleen Moore
Vally Newton
Gram Frazier
Clara Garcia
Lucille Miller
LectorIsabella Overberg
(1st Lector)
Emilie Overberg
(2nd Lector)
Patrick Bittick
(1st Lector)
Michael Thiele
(2nd Lector)
Kevin Kuehl
(1st Lector)
Prudence Kramer
(2nd Lector)
EMHCChris Bahr
Tom Purcell
Barbara Zysk
Bob Herleth
Joyce Herleth
Elaine Pudlowski
Amelia Blanton Hibner
Chrissy Callison
Kay Dunlap
Lori Greiner
John Merideth
Greg Rohde
Luke Ruszkowski
Coffee & Donut TeamTodd WaggonerGlory Defenbaugh

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