During the Summer months, this column will be highlighting the good work and parishioners involved in one of our various Parish Ministries. Each week, we will feature an article from a different ministry, written by one if its members, as a reflection on the generosity and stewardship of the SMOS community.
Extraordinary Ministers Of The Eucharist
by Erin Reid
My name is Erin Reid and I became a Eucharistic Minister earlier this year. I was encouraged to participate by someone very important to me. So, during the ministries week late 2023, we both signed up to be a part of the liturgical ministry. I didn’t realize at the time but this ended up being perfect timing, allowing me to be a larger part of Holy Week this year. I have gotten to be a part of Holy Thursday activities in the past but being able to serve in another facet was even more fulfilling.
It means so much to me to be a part of a ministry at St Margaret of Scotland since this parish has held me in its arms my entire life. With the privilege of growing up in this parish, I am honored to now be able to give back a little. I feel that presenting communion to this incredible congregation is pretty special. I get to share with former teachers, families that I’ve known for years, my parents, new friends and many I have yet to meet. This act helps me feel the importance of my religion in my overall spiritual life. ‘Giving’ is a common theme in scripture and participating in this ministry helps me fulfil my efforts to do more of it.