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Summer Ministry Article – July 21, 2024

During the Summer months, this column will be highlighting the good work and parishioners involved in one of our various Parish Ministries.  Each week, we will feature an article from a different ministry, written by one if its members, as a reflection on the generosity and stewardship of the SMOS community.

Boy Scouts

by Matty Kleinberg

There are so many reasons to love Scouting! 

As Cubmaster of Pack 110 at SMOS and a dad to a Scout in Troop 110, I see a lot of kids earn Belt Loops, Pins, Badges and Patches; our Scouts work so hard as they learn new things, try out new skills, and go on adventures. 

But the real joy comes from seeing Scouts who demonstrate that growth, who push themselves further than they were asked, thereby providing a glimpse of the Person they are growing into. At our yearly Lenten Pancake dinner, I remember a 1st grader patiently flipping perfect golden brown pancakes, long after his shift had ended, because he “was not going to stop until the Job was done” and he wanted to make them the best he could. 

Our Troop recently went to Philmont, New Mexico to hike in the high-desert back country for 12 days, rain or shine, carrying everything on their backs. They encountered bears, hiked over multiple peaks, and with their Chaplain, experienced Mass on the trail amid the backdrop of pines and a chapel of mountains. Talk about amazing opportunities and pushing the limits of what you can do!

During Webelos summer camp I was stunned by our 5th graders at closing Campfire. They were volun“told” to perform three full skits for the whole Camp. They took their own time to rehearse and made sure that all in the group knew their lines, singing and performing flawlessly that evening… and without help from an adult! In an age of screens and social anxiety, these kiddos put themselves out there and fought through their nerves.

None of those stories involve a direct reward or a patch earned; our Scouts are just navigating the challenges given to them. The way our Scouts tackle all these opportunities and more, with support from Leaders and Parents, promotes growth in their decision making, their actions, and their attitude towards others. The greater amount of parent support in Cubs sets them up later for the Troop when the onus of attitude, service, advancement and progress is squarely on their own shoulders.

Our Scouts BSA program at SMOS is flourishing, with a robust group of about 70 rambunctious Cubs in the Pack and 25 Scouts in the Troop. K-5th grade-level Dens meet twice monthly and the Pack meets monthly. We accept girls in our K-2nd grade Dens. The Scout Troop, 6-12th grade Boys, meets weekly, with several monthly adventures. Both the Pack and Troop are always welcoming new members.

Doing this work takes a decent amount of time and energy from all our volunteers, so please make sure to thank and pray for my fellow Den Leaders, Committee members, Scoutmasters, Scouters, Parent Volunteers and more. They put their actual blood, sweat, and tears into this program, all for the betterment of our Youth. If you are interested in helping your kiddo through Scouts or can support in other ways, please feel free to reach out! 

I’d encourage any families in the Parish to keep us in mind as a way to provide their kids with some fun ways to develop character and grow physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Thank you!

Pack 110 Cubmaster Matty Kleinberg

If you have questions about Scouting at SMOS please feel free to contact: 
Cubmaster Matty Kleinberg (school ages K-5th grade) –
Scoutmaster Dave Hunter (Boys 6th grade and up) –
or Committee Chair Jeff Mudd –

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