Throughout the school year, we present an article in the bulletin each week providing updates from St. Margaret’s School, written by a member of our school staff.
SMOS School News
by Patrick Holley, Principal
Welcome to Back to School Sunday! As we join to bless the student’s backpacks at 10 AM Mass this weekend, we are officially a week and a half away from the beginning of the school year. My staff and I have been hard at work getting the school ready for the return of teachers and students. This school year promises to be a year of continued growth and stability at St. Margarets. I am very excited to work with the staff that we brought back and our new staff members. Our Back to School Packet Day-Open House starts at 11am Sunday (with a PTA sponsored Ice Cream Social to follow) – all parishioners are welcome to join us and we look forward to seeing you there!
While we are doing well in terms of staffing, we are still looking for a couple of pieces to complete our staff. We require two classroom assistants in elementary and a full-time substitute teacher. We are always looking for substitute teachers during the school year. If this is something you are interested in, or know of someone who may be interested, please reach out to me at
Please keep our students, families, faculty, and staff in your prayers as we begin the school year. Know that we will work hard to continue to provide an excellent Catholic education with a foundation in Catholic social teaching and the teachings of Jesus Christ.