Bulletin Article – September 8, 2024

Throughout the year, we present an article in the bulletin each week on a variety of topics, written by a member of our Parish staff or ministries on a rotating basis.

Growing In Faith

by Ruth Pera, Faith Formation Coordinator

Happy Sunday, friends! I was thrilled when Michael Sonntag invited me to grab an extra bulletin article for this weekend because the parish has news and someone we would like to introduce to you!

As many of you know, our Youth Ministry Program has been seeking new leadership since Emma Grace Johnson graduated and moved on from our parish. We recently hired Sarah Kate Heyman to step into that role, and she is quickly getting to work, as Youth Ministry events kick off with a Formation night tonight and Bible Study this Tuesday!

I’ve known Sarah Kate for a while (she has been a parishioner here since 2022), but I have gotten to know her better this month as she and I worked to transition her into this role. Here are a few things I’ve learned about her:

·  Sarah Kate grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and like many southern kids loves her double name.

·  Though her last night looks like “Hey – man,” it is actually pronounced “Hi – man.” Don’t mix up your greetings!

·  Currently, Sarah Kate is a student at Aquinas Institute, working towards a Master of Divinity and a certification in Spiritual Direction.

·  Sarah Kate left balmy Savannah after high school to complete her undergraduate degree in Bismark, ND – talk about adaptability!

·  She is a woman of many interests and talents: board games, singing and playing the ukulele, reading, and Formula 1 racing.

·  And like many of us, Sarah Kate has a furry loved one, her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Shelby.

Please, the next time you see Sarah Kate around, congratulate her on this new role, introduce yourself, and get to know a little bit more about her! We are so grateful to have her leading our growing youth ministry!

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