Be Aware! E-mail Spam On The Rise


In this last week or so, parishioners have received requests by email and text messages supposedly from me, asking for gift cards to iTunes, Walmart, and other retailers, or asking that they contact me by email as soon as possible. This is a common scam that happens to every priest and parish, but I want to assure you that I WILL NEVER ask for money or gift cards by text message or email. We have many needs around our parish, and I will let you know about them at Mass, in our bulletin, or through Flocknotes, not in an email or text message. If you look at the email and it is not my official St. Margaret email account, it is fake, so please check. If you receive a message asking for gift cards or asking you to contact me, please delete it immediately and do not respond to it. Again, this is a common scam phishing email addresses from parish websites, and it persists even when passwords are changed, but please do not perpetuate it by responding to these emails. Always be skeptical and safe online! 

– Fr. John Vien

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