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SMOS First Lego League 23-24

Extracurricular: Lego Robotics

Lego Robotics will be firing up again soon for the 2023-2024 season. But first they need coaches!  Check out this super-helpful info about this extracurricular afterschool program for SMOS students – and then click the link below to fill out the volunteer interest form.

What: First Lego League is an after-school club for STEM learning and exploration. This year’s theme is Masterpiece.

Masterpiece: Imagine and innovate new ways to create and communicate art across the globe.

Who: We will be able to offer spots on teams based on the number of volunteer coaches. (See info below on how to sign up to coach!)

Where/When: Teams will meet at SMOS about once per week at times selected by their coaches. Teams will have at least 12 sessions between September 2023 and January 2024. The Official Festival for Missouri teams will be held in February or March 2024. (K-1st grade teams do not participate in the Festival.)

How: The only way to make this happen is to have coaches. You do NOT need any special expertise to coach a team. We will be ordering new kits for every team, so you’ll have a full set of materials with all of the directions to use them in each session. Coaches’ kids automatically get a spot on teams AND a discount on registration fees.

Click Here To Sign-Up To Coach A Team!

Questions? Contact Julia Merideth ( or Jeanne Di Domenico (

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