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School Shoutouts 10-26-23

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mr. Schmidt would like to shout out all 6th graders for the amazing job they did at camp. They stepped out of their comfort zone, challenged themselves to try new things, reflected on finding God in all things, and grew together as a class as the future leaders of the school community.

Mrs. Harvitan would like to shout out Enzo who is always willing to hold the door for others without being asked!  

Mrs. Komos  would like to shout our Emiliano G. in 4th grade who is exhibiting good sportsmanship when playing football on the playground and Rebecca S. in fifth grade for always being polite and respectful to her classmates and the adults in the community.

Mrs. Heithaus would like to shoutout Charlie F. in 8th grade for stepping up and serving as a leader for his classmates as they created prayer cards for those attending the CVPA vigil earlier this week. She would like to also shoutout Javi S. in 8th grade for helping guide his group as they prepared a skit to present to their religion class. 

Ms. Unverferth would like to give Embry S. a shoutout for taking on the role of teacher and doing an amazing job explaining a problem on a classmate’s homework without just giving them the answer. She asked the perfect questions to help her classmate figure out the problem on her own.

Ms. Hoover would like to shoutout for Coen G. for helping Mrs. Schreiner staple all her math packets!

Mr. Holley would like to honor Mary Therese and Will K., both 5th graders, who served their first Mass on Wednesday.  Both were very excited and did great, as Mrs. Heithaus had trained them well.  Also, at the end of Mass, Father had all the other students congratulate them.  Very special!

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