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School Shoutouts 12-14-23

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

A shout-out to Betty in fourth grade for noticing that a piece of border fell off of a hallway bulletin board and trying to fix it!

Fletcher R. for waiting to hold the door for Mr. Holley when he was carrying a tray of lunches!

Mr. Holley would like to shout out 4th and 5th grade for working so hard to prepare a beautiful Advent concert. He’d also like to shout out Penelope G. and Estelle C. for helping put chairs away after each class. 

Please shout out to Mrs. Daugherty for helping students to make beautiful St. Lucy’s lanterns and sharing her light. 

Mr. Holley would like to shout out 2H for doing such an amazing job at Mass this week! 

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