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Bellarmine Speech League Tournament 2024

On February 10th, the SMOS Speech Team competed in the second Bellarmine Speech League Tournament of the year. Congratulations to the team for their excellent preparation and performance! We are delighted to share their results and gratitude for the support of our SMOS community.




Thanks to Lisa Whealon, James Frazier, Ron Knapp, Janel Esker and Theresa Schlafly for serving as judges and team support at the tournament. We would not have been able to participate without their efforts. Thank you also to Theresa Schlafly, Amanda Panneton, Colleen Richardson, Julia Merideth, Ron Knapp, Colleen Joyce, and James Frazier for supporting our team at practices before this tournament, and to the teachers who made room in their schedules for the team to perform in their classes. We truly appreciate it!

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