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Black History Month & SMOS I&D Committee Meeting

The SMOS Inclusion & Diversity Committee will be holding its monthly meeting tomorrow, Friday, February 9 at 8am in the School Teacher’s Lounge.  All are welcome to join!

We will be discussing plans for Black History Month at the School, including on all-school event on Monday.

The PTA Inclusion & Diversity Committee is thrilled to once again bring acclaimed local storyteller Bobby Norfolk to perform for the students as part of our celebration of Black History Month! The performances will be held next Monday, February 12 – with 4-8th graders from 1:00-1:55pm and Pre-K-3rd graders from 2:00-2:55pm.

Check out the attached flyer below for more details.  If you are interested in learning more about the SMOS PTA Inclusion & Diversity committee, contact us at

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