Raffle tickets are going home today with your family’s oldest child. The Dragon Raffle is a mandatory fundraiser for each School family – the only one required every year. You will receive $100 worth of tickets with which you can either:
- Fill them out and send them back to the office for yourself and your family; or
- Sell them to friends and family and recoup the money.

Either way, every family’s FACTS account will be charged $100 on April 22. If you decide to sell the tickets, you can send in a check along with the completed ticket stubs, and your FACTS account will be credited. If you choose not to sell the raffle tickets, just send in your completed stubs and your FACTS account will retain the $100 charge, and you’ll be entered into the raffle. You can use return address labels on your ticket stubs as a quick way to complete them.
Here are the prizes if you win the Dragon Raffle: 1st Prize – $1,000 in SHOPS cards or $800 cash; 2nd Prize – $500 in SHOPS cards or $400 cash; 3rd Prize – $250 in SHOPS cards or $200 cash. (SHOPS stands for Shopping Helps Our Parish School – they’re gift cards that are available to most grocery, retail, and hardware stores, as well as many restaurants.