As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school. We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.
Mrs. Clark would like to shout out Tina Cassel & Nora Sherman who helped clean up trays after lunch.
Mrs. Karaoke would like to shout out Middle School Violinists for all of their hard work preparing for the Archbishop’s Gala, Six Flags, and the spring concert!
Mrs. Heithaus would like to give a shoutout to Felix A. for seeing a fellow 5th grader in distress and donating his own materials to help her, even though that meant he couldn’t use them.
Mr. Holley gives a shoutout to Mr. Shorter & the Student Diversity Council for the work they put into planning No Place for Hate Spirit Week!
Mr. Holly also gives a shoutout to all of the girls involved with Girls on the Run who have trained for several weeks in preparation for their 5K on Saturday!