School Shoutouts 08-29-24

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mrs. Cheatham would like to shout out her First-Grade Students for trying their best to be quiet in the hallway. They have had many trips in the hall with zero voice level!! Way to go First Graders!

Mrs. C wanted to shout out Mrs. Harvatin’s Class for their awesome participation in Mass today! She noticed that some of her students were looking around the church to find some of the saint statues and counting the Stations of the Cross. She also wanted to shout out Frankie B. & Rose O. in 5th grade. They prepared a song from a musical and sang it in front of their whole class during Music. Amazing job!

Mrs. Komos would like to shout out Charlie M. for doing such a great job during quiet reading time, Miguel K. for showing great leadership skills in the classroom, and Betty S. for neatly stacking our novels in our reading basket.


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