Extracurricular: Bellarmine Speech League
Announcing the St. Margaret of Scotland Bellarmine Speech Team Auditions
Mission: To develop the voices of young people by enhancing their communication skills, analytic abilities, perspective-taking, and appreciation of the power of dramatic and humorous stories to positively influence the world.
Being a Member of the Speech Team
- Students in grades 5 through 8 perform in three tournaments throughout the academic year in the following events: serious monologue, humorous monologue, or duet acting.
- Students practice once a week after school at SMOS to rehearse, offer feedback to teammates, and support Speech Team events and activities. Other activities and commitments arise at times for team members, so no worries if students miss a practice!
- Students who perform in the top 25% at the initial three tournaments qualify for a final Bellarmine tournament.
- The dates for tournaments are published far enough in advance that if a student accepts a place on the speech team the student commits to attend all speech tournaments.
- At the end of the school year, speech team members offer a Family and Friends Performance Night for members of our community who may not be able to see their work throughout the year and to celebrate their work.
Monday, August 26
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Purcell Hall
Can’t make the meeting? Please contact Coach Jenn Ohs at jeohs630@gmail.com or (314) 660-2327.
Jenn Ohs will once again serve as the speech team coach and coordinator for the SMOS team, which she has done since 2019. In 2021, she was also appointed to the Bellarmine Speech League’s Board.