Wednesday Mass Crossing Guards 2024-2025

Parent & Parishioner volunteers are needed for the 2024-2025 school year to act as crossing guards at all of the major intersections in Shaw that the School children traverse on their way to and from campus on Wednesday mornings when they celebrate All-School Mass.


Since our school campus is not connected to our Church, but is blocks apart, the School children walk each week (rain or shine) to Church for Mass. With few exceptions, this occurs every Wednesday at 8:00am. The teachers and staff, along with Middle School student body, all work together to do this safely. However, we all have noticed that traffic in and around the Shaw neighborhood has gotten a bit more, shall we say, “crazy.”  Our own observations and anecdotal reports from parents include cars traveling at high rates of speed, people running stop signs, and drivers going in the opposing lanes to go around cars legally stopped at the intersections.  The crunch of cars (especially at rush hour) and children and families walking to/from school, means that we all need to remain especially vigilant while navigating our collective neighborhood streets, particularly when the teachers (and assistants) are trying to walk the kids to Mass each Wednesday.

It is with all of this in mind, that the School requests volunteers to help in this effort. The button above will take you to a sign-up sheet for each week, divided out into two time slots for each date – one for arriving to Church and another for departing back for School. Volunteers are asked to sign up for one or both time slots on each date.

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