St. Margaret of Scotland Families:
I have received several questions about some clarification on standardized testing this year. I would like to try to clear up some of those questions.
- All Archdiocese Catholic Schools are in the process of phasing out the IOWA test of basic skills.
- We are all moving to the NWEA MAP Growth Test.
- The NWEA test is an adaptive test that is administered three times a year: beginning, middle, and end.
- The NWEA provides data on student growth during the year and is tied to Missouri Standards.
- While students are taking the MAP Growth test, this test is not the MAP test that is administered in public schools.
- We will be providing parents with scores from the NWEA. We will be receding training soon on interpreting the data from this test.
- The IOWA tests were administered to ONLY seventh and eighth-grade students this year.
- Our current seventh grade will take the IOWA test next year as well.
- The 2025/2026 school year will be the last time we will administer the IOWA test at St. Margaret of Scotland.
I know that this is a large change for our school community; however, I believe it is a beneficial change. I ask for your grace as we work through this transition.
Patrick Holley