Curriculum Corner 09-05-24

7th Grade Science

The other day, I was pleasantly working in my office when two lovely 7th graders entered with a plain piece of bread.  

“Mrs. Villmer, we were wondering if we could rub this piece of bread over the PA system?” 

“What?!  That’s gross!” I said emphatically, yet very interested. 

“Exactly!” they said.  

Did you know? Human beings cannot see cells and microorganisms with the naked eye.  However, we CAN see bacteria and germs on various other organisms!  Our 7th graders are on an earnest lookout throughout the school and school grounds to see where bacteria may be lurking. It may surprise you!  The students tested various areas to visibly show how bacteria and mold can affect multicellular organisms and how quickly they can spread.  These specimens are hanging on the science lab bulletin board for 10 days while the students witness change and record data.  

Wanna be grossed out?  Come by and check it out.  Here is the proof!  Best part?  We know where to clean. 🙂

Each week, we will be highlighting the amazing and wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms and grade levels at St. Margaret of Scotland School. We are very proud of the work our teachers do with our students and are amazed by what happens at SMOS. Our goal is to share more about the hidden gem that is St. Margaret’s.


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