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Curriculum Corner 09-12-24

Middle School Choir

5 Part Harmony?!  Is there such a thing?!  You bet!  And Mrs. Chrostoski, best known as Mrs. C, and her choir students are proof!!

Our Middle School Choir elective this year houses 56 students – that’s almost 50% of our Middle School population!  These students meet twice a week and perform one concert each trimester.  If you pass by the cafeteria most mornings, you might hear them singing songs in a foreign language, like Sesere Eeye, songs for School Mass, or even songs about fruit salad or dogs doing the can-can.

Come and hear them sing in FIVE parts this trimester! We would LOVE for you to join us at their concert on Tuesday, Oct 15 at 6:30pm!

I got curious and followed the strains of music one morning to investigate for myself – and here’s evidence of what I found out!

Each week, we will be highlighting the amazing and wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms and grade levels at St. Margaret of Scotland School. We are very proud of the work our teachers do with our students and are amazed by what happens at SMOS. Our goal is to share more about the hidden gem that is St. Margaret’s.

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