Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

Math Club Registration 2024-2025

Extracurricular: Math Club

The SMOS Math Club after-school extracurricular is open for registration for current SMOS 4th and 5th graders. The Math Club will be graciously led this year by school parent Jakob Horner, and co-led by Carrie Crompton, and teacher facilitated by Middle School math teacher, Karen Rasure.  Thank you to everyone who is helping to make this fun activity continue!

What is the Math Club?  Only the coolest club with weekly sessions focusing on 4th and 5th grade math with an eye towards a math competition in early 2025!  

The leaders are targeting to start on Wednesday, October 2nd.  They will continue weekly (while school is in session) and culminate in a math competition in February 2025.  They will announce the date of the competition once they have full details and are registered.  After the competition, the plan is to continue with sessions through the end of the school year but perhaps every other week or monthly, depending on interest.


Click the link below to register.

In order to be compliant with Protecting God’s Children, they will need parent volunteers to help with sessions. Please indicate below if you are able to help with a session or two.  A sign-up sheet will be sent out once registration is complete.


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