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School Shoutouts 10-17-24

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout-outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mr. Holley would like to shout out Joseph in 4th Grade for scoring a goal during soccer and his teammates who cheered him on. 

Mr. Holley would also like to shout out members of our 5th Grade Soccer Team who chose to come to Mass before a noon game on Sunday.  Great Job Ladies! 

Mrs. Komos would like to shout out Addie R. for her excellent citizenship, Edith H. for helping Ms. Komos with a project in her classroom, Catherine W. for her excellent work ethic in language arts, Isabelle H. for her enthusiasm in language arts, Louie A. for always having a positive attitude in the classroom, and Francis F. for creativity on her Bridge to Terabithia project

Mr. Shorter would like to shout out Evvie C. (4th grade) for always stepping up and being a leader and Joe B. (5th grade) for being helpful to his friends and teachers. Keep up the good work! 

Mrs. Rasure would like to shout out Declan B. in seventh grade for always volunteering to help out and for being a friend to students in every grade, Estelle C. in eighth grade for cleaning up a spill that was definitely not her fault, and 6R for doing such a nice job leading Mass and always being such helpful and attentive buddies to the kindergarteners.

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