What if you had a hankering for a s’more? And what if you just happened to be at recess at St. Margaret of Scotland? What would YOU do?
Here’s what our SMOS 8th graders decided to whip up!! …
A Homemade Outdoor Solar Convection Oven!!
Who needs gas or electricity to cook? Our resourceful 8th graders decided to use the sun’s energy to cook us up some s’mores! They found a box, aluminum foil, black construction paper and tape. They lined their boxes with aluminum foil which reflected the sunlight inside, concentrating the heat. The black construction paper helped absorb more heat. Finally, plastic wrap covering the box trapped the heat inside, creating a “greenhouse effect” which raised the temperature. When the air is heated inside, it rises and circulates, and then cooks – or in this case – melts 😁 the chocolate and the marshmallow into the graham cracker. It’s an eco-friendly way to cook using only the power of the sun!

Each week, we will be highlighting the amazing and wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms and grade levels at St. Margaret of Scotland School. We are very proud of the work our teachers do with our students and are amazed by what happens at SMOS. Our goal is to share more about the hidden gem that is St. Margaret’s.