STREAM? What does that stand for?
Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math! Did you know that all K – 8th grade students participate in our STREAM learning lab?
This week our 5th grade students collaborated in an Engineering Design Cycle. By using the steps of the EDC, which include identifying a need, researching and brainstorming solutions, selecting a best idea, constructing a prototype, testing and evaluating it, communicating findings and redesigning if needed, their task was to engineer a river device that would transfer the energy from moving water into an electrical wire. They were only allowed to use the material given and were required to make sure the device did not damage the environment or harm habitats. Did they succeed? Check out the video to find out.
Next week, our STREAM classes will focus on Hour of Code. Find out more
Each week, we will be highlighting the amazing and wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms and grade levels at St. Margaret of Scotland School. We are very proud of the work our teachers do with our students and are amazed by what happens at SMOS. Our goal is to share more about the hidden gem that is St. Margaret’s.