Periodically Creative!
If you are a Swiftie how might YOU keep track of exactly which album to find your favorite song?! If you are selling Sephora products, how might you categorize your wares with one quick glance for your clients? Or how does anyone keep track of who won what at the Oscars? What does Sephora or Taylor Swift or The Oscars have to do with chemistry and periodic tables?! I’ll tell you!
In chemistry, the periodic table of chemical elements visually organizes all discovered chemical elements in rows (called periods) and columns (called groups) according to increasing atomic number. Ms. Baker and our 8th grade students participated in a creative assignment aimed to demonstrate an understanding of the arrangement of the Periodic Table. How? By designing a table of their own based on the properties and characteristics of items within a theme. The 8th-grade students chose any theme they wanted and were required to represent at least 2 different categories. Check out these Periodic Tables that hang in the walls of our Middle School this week!
Each week, we will be highlighting the amazing and wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms and grade levels at St. Margaret of Scotland School. We are very proud of the work our teachers do with our students and are amazed by what happens at SMOS. Our goal is to share more about the hidden gem that is St. Margaret’s.