Project STOPP Poster Contest & Pledge Drive

The Student Council is excited to announce the winners of our Project STOPP Poster Contest & Pledge Drive. They would like to thank every student who submitted their artwork for the poster contest.  There were some really creative entries. The winning poster belongs to Elle Defenbaugh in 7th grade.

They also had lots of students participate in the pledge drive for Project STOPP, but one class had a bigger percentage of student participation than any other and will receive donuts and a PJ day.  Congratulations to Ms. Salamehs’s third grade class!

STUCO would like to congratulate the top three students who brought in signatures and spoke to drivers here in our community and all over St. Louis to spread the word about stopping at stop signs.  Our two runners up are Jeremani Taylor in 8th grade and Elliot Mork in 6th grade.   The big winner, who will have their name on a street sign at Shaw and 39th is Seventh Grader… Van Page.

Thanks to everyone who participated, and thanks to Michael Maher of Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association for bringing this program to SMOS and to Naeger Family Insurance and Trailnet for their support.


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