School Shoutouts 03-13-25

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout-outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mr. Holley would like to shout out the 3rd Graders for the amazing job they all did on the living museum! I also would like to shout out our 3rd-Grade Teachers, who did a great job at preparing our students for the living museum.  

Mr. Holley would also like to shout out all of our K-5 Student Musicians for doing a great job at their spring concert.  Great job too to Mrs. C. & Mrs. Betsey for preparing them. 

Ms. Komos would like to shout out Addie R. & Mica G. in 5K for consistently staying quiet when teachers speak and during quiet work time. 

Mrs. Villmer would like to shout out the 12 8th-Grade Boys who lifted, loaded, and unloaded heavy risers and moved them into the gym for the concert. And back again! And to Mrs. Marquard & Her Mom, for generously transporting these risers from the church to the school in their truck! And back again!

Mrs. Clark would like to shout out John P. who took extra time to hold the door for a classmate, Eleanor K., who offered to share her music book at Mass with her, and Everyone Who Brought In Soda Tabs to support the Ronald McDonald House.

Mrs. C. would like to shout out the 5th Grade Girls, Rex K., Sebby B., Fritz T., Jack N., & Brayden M. for helping set up for the elementary spring concert!

Mrs. Cheatham would like to shout out to Daniel C. for helping her fix her flat tire last week in the parking lot. His dad brought up some needed tools, and Daniel got right to work getting her tire off and putting the new one on. Great job, Daniel! It was very much appreciated!

Mrs. Rasure would like to shout out the Students Who Participated In The Math League Qualifying Contest, which was hosted at SMOS on February 22nd, and especially to Victor G., Marshall L., & Elliot M. for ranking in the top five overall for their grade level and qualifying for the state competition.


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