Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

Safety Update

From Principal Patrick Holley to St. Margaret of Scotland School Families:

I wanted to give you an update of some of the safety initiatives that are taking place at SMOS.  I know that school safety is an area of concern of many members of our community, including myself.  Therefore, getting the school to a place where we are practicing best practices of school safety is my number one goal this year.  

This goal has two foundations.  First, we must evaluate our current policy to make sure what we are doing during an emergency situation is best practice.  To do that, I have created a safety committee of staff and faculty members.  Our job will be to look at policy, discuss safety issues, research best practices, and educate and enact new procedures.  We had our first safety committee meeting this past Tuesday.  There are several areas that we are looking at, but we are first tackling the procedures for our drills, investigating rally and reunification sites, and creating new policies where necessary.  It is my hope to have a new safety plan written and implemented within the next few weeks.  

The second foundation is hardware.  Governor Mike Parson has recently signed a bill promising all schools in Missouri, even non-public schools, grants for school safety projects.  St. Margaret of Scotland is eligible for $50,000 through this grant.  This grant will allow us to address some safety issues around campus, namely: 

These are areas that I have deemed through safety audits and research to be the most important for our campus. Chances are that the grant will not cover this entire list of projects.  If that is the case, some of these projects may become fundraising opportunities for the school.  

I hope this information addresses some of your concerns.  I know that this is an ambitious project, but I am confident that we can get it done as a community that cares deeply about the safety of its children.  Know that I remain steadfast in our mission of having an excellent, inclusive, school rooted in Catholic Social Teachings and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. 

God Bless,
Patrick Holley

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