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Principal’s Message 08-31-23

St. Margaret of Scotland Families: 

What a difference a change of the temperature can bring.  Our teachers and students are using our campus to its full potential to maximize the beautiful weather.  Even outside of recess, I have seen several classes maximize the use of our outdoor classroom in Hesed Garden Space.  

Know that I spend a lot of time outside my office in classrooms observing, and I couldn’t be more happy with what I am seeing from our students and teachers. It would be impossible to relate to you all of the amazing spiritual and academic activities that are happening on a day to day basis at SMOS.  It is clear that our faculty has a deep love and respect for your children. 

I pray that you all have a fun and relaxing long weekend.  I know that everyone has deserved it. 

God Bless, 

Patrick Holley  

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