Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

Principal’s Message 09-14-23

St. Margaret of Scotland Families: 

I want to be the first to announce our new staff member, Sister Donnatella De Marco, Sister Donna, who will be working in Mrs. Hawley’s preschool class for three days a week (M,W,F).  This will allow for Mrs. Ferree to help as an aide in fifth grade for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I was very impressed with Sr. Donna’s passion for working with children.  I know she will be a welcome addition to our school community.  

I ask that you please continue to pray for Mrs. Wells, our sixth grade teacher.  I know that she appreciates the prayers of our community.  I thank you all for supporting her during this time.  

Finally, just a reminder that we will have standardized testing next week.  Please encourage your children to do their best on these tests.  Also ensure that they get plenty of sleep, eat breakfast everyday, and come to school prepared with plenty of pencils.  

God Bless, 

Patrick Holley  

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